There is a part time job available(1 day) at GEnting posted by my jx2 fren, Zyn in frenster the other day.. As soon as read about it, i am interested.. the reasons are:- 1. the wage is RM 250 per day working from 8pm to 1 am accomodation provided. 2. after the job, i may have more opportunities to involve in freelancer jobs. 3. i can earn extra income before i engage in a full time working life.
therfore, i immediately asked my beloved housemate, Xinli to join me..and she agreed :-) Then i called the agent.
Agent: would u mind come for an interview on this monday?
iLuF : Sure!
Agent: Please come with full make-up and black top, ok?
iLuF : emm.....okay!~
However, i am suddenly in hesitation when xinli rushed back to her hometown due to some reasons. I need to reconsider whether or not to go alone for this job. Go alone to Genting for the job and overnight there? i got no any experience in a job like this... should i go? does the benefits that i would gain exceeds the risk that i am goin to undertake..? Decision making in real life is really hard..What should i do?
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